Maple Valley Historical SocietyThe Maple Valley Historical Society, a volunteer-run organization founded in 1972, collects and houses writings and materials that will record, preserve, and illustrate the natural features, as well as the development, of Hobart, Ravensdale, Maple Valley and the surrounding areas of southeast King County. Its goals are to teach people about heritage assets by identifying and interpreting historical landmarks; to recognize the historic contributions of Maple Valley pioneer families, businesses, institutions, and community resources through museum exhibits and programs; to develop an appreciation for community history in new residents and young people through interesting and accessible public educational activities; and to provide a variety of organized ways for any interested person to get their helping hands on historic preservation. The images selected and scanned for this Web site present a visual history of the people, industries, schools, transportation, and recreation of the Maple Valley vicinity from the 1870s through the 1990s. |