Gunard Lagesson Milking a Cow Ferris Wheel Ride Rainier District Powwow Royalty Gunard Lagesson Milking a Cow Ferris Wheel Ride Rainier District Powwow Royalty
KCsnapshots Sample Collection Images
KCsnapshots Sample Collection Images  

Search Tips

King County Snapshots provides access to 12,000 images from twelve independent organizations in King County, Washington. Images have been carefully indexed for maximum ease of retrieval, but the sheer number of images may lead to overwhelming results sets. There are a number of different methods you can use to search across all 12,000 images, or to search or browse across a subset of the images. These tips should help you find what you're looking for.

Please keep in mind that, unless you are searching by organization, the results may include images from a number of different collections. Please make a note of the proper contact if you wish to order a copy of an image, inquire about permissions, or view the original or others like it.

Quick Tips

  • Search terms are not case-sensitive
  • If you include more than one word, the default search mode will retrieve only items that contain all of your search keywords
  • Use quotation marks around your search terms when you want your search results to contain the exact phrase as you entered it
  • Use an asterisk (*) as a wild card at the end of a word or string of letters to broaden your search results. For example, row* would bring up images of rowboats, rowers, and rowing
  • To view a larger version of an image and its associated metadata, click on the thumbnail image.

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