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Author, Poet, and Worker: The World of Carlos Bulosan

  • Bibliography / Sources

    Partial List of Published Works by Carlos Bulosan

    Bulosan, Carlos. 1942. Letter from America. Prairie City, IL: J. A. Decker.

    —. 1946. America Is in the Heart: A Personal History. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company.

    —. (ed.) 1952. 1952 Yearbook: Cannery Workers Local 37. Seattle: Local 7, ILWU.

    —. 1955. "Bulosan, Carlos." In Twentieth Century Authors, First Supplement, ed. Stanley. Kunitz, 144-45.· New York: H. W. Wilson Company.

    —. 1960. Sound of falling light: Letters in exile. Quezon City, Philippines, ed. Dolores S. Feria: University of Philippines Press.

    —. 1978. The Philippines Is in the Heart: A Collection of Short Stories, ed. E. San Juan Jr. Quezon City, Philippines: New Day Publishers.

    —. 1983. If You Want to Know What We Are: A Carlos Bulosan Reader, ed. E. San Juan Jr. New York: West End Press.

    —. 1995· The Cry and the Dedication. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. (Written in)

    —. 1995. On becoming Filipino: selected writings of Carlos Bulosan. ed. E. San Juan Jr. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

    Works Consulted for this Exhibit

    Alquizola M.C., and Hirabayashi L.R. 2012. "Carlos Bulosan's final defiant acts: Achievements during the McCarthy Era". Amerasia Journal. 38 (3): 29-50.

    Alquizola, Marilyn C. 1989. "The Fictive Narrator of America is in the Heart." in Frontiers of Asian-American Studies: Writing, Research, and Commentary, ed. Gail M. Nomura et al., 211-17. Pullman.

    —. 1991. "Subversion or Affirmation: The Text and Subtext of America Is in the Heart." In Asian Americans: Comparative and Global Perspectives, ed. Shirley Hune et al., 199-209. Pullman:

    Alquizola, Marilyn, and Lane Ryo Hirabayashi. 2014. "Introduction” and “Works Cited” America Is in the Heart: A Personal History. Seattle: University of Washington Press.

    —. 2012. "Carlos Bulosan's Final Defiant Acts: Achievements during the McCarthy Era." Amerasia Journal38 (3): 29-50.

    Bogardus, Emory S. "American Attitudes Towards Filipinos." Sociology and Social Research 14 (September 1929 -August 1930).

    Chew, Ron. 2012. Remembering Silme Domingo and Gene Viernes: The Legacy of Filipino American Labor Activism. Seattle: ILWU, Local 37; University of Washington Press.

    Cordova, Dorothy. 1999.· "Carlos Bulosan." In Distinguished Asian Americans, ed. Hyung-Chan Kim, 34-36. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

    Cordova, Fred. 1983.· Filipinos: Forgotten Asian Americans. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall Hunt Publishing Co.

    De Vera, Arleen. 1994. "Without Parallel: The Local 7 Deportation Cases, 1949-1955·" Amerasia Journal 20 (2): 1-25.

    Domingo, Ligaya Rene. 2010. "Building a Movement: Filipino American Union and Community Organizing in Seattle in the 1970s" (Phd. Diss., University of California, Berkeley).

    Ellison, Micah. 2005. "The Local 7/Local 37 Story: Filipino American Cannery Unionism in Seattle, 1940-1959." Waterfront Workers History Project. Retrieved July 26, 2013 from Waterfront Workers

    Espiritu, Augusto Fauni. 2005. Five Faces of Exile: The Nation and Filipino American Intellectuals. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.

    Evangelista, Susan. 1985. Carlos Bulosan and his poetry: a biography and anthology. Seattle: University of Washington Press.

    Fresco, Crystal. 1999. "Cannery Workers' and Farm Laborers' Union 1933-39: Their Strength in Unity." Waterfront Workers History Project. Retrieved July 26, 2013 from Waterfront Workers History

    Friday, Chris. 1994. Organizing Asian American Labor: The Pacific Coast Canned-Salmon Industry. Temple University Press, Philadelphia.

    Fujita-Rony, Dorothy B. 2003. American Workers, Colonial Power: Philippine Seattle and the Transpacific West. Berkeley: University of California Press.

    Fujita-Rony, "History through a Postcolonial Lens: Reframing Philippine Seattle," Pacific Northwest Quarterly Volume 102, Number 1 (Winter 2010-2011).

    McWilliams, Carey. 2000. Factories in the Field: The Story of Migratory Farm Labor in California. Berkeley: University of California Press. (Originally published in 1939.)

    Morantte, P. C. 1984. Remembering Carlos Bulosan: his heart affair with America. Quezon City: New Day Publishers.

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