Using the ProjectsUW Tacoma Library digitized the oral history projects and made them accessible through the UW Libraries Digital Collections to enhance public access to these materials. This availability does not constitute a right to copy, make a profit from, publish, or broadcast these materials. No use beyond limited quotation for educational and research purposes should be made of these interviews and other materials without obtaining written permission. For more information, please contact the Director of the UW Tacoma Library: UW Tacoma Library Because of the varied backgrounds of the interviewees, researchers using this material should respect and be aware of the cultures and individuals whose lives, ideas, and creativity are represented in these projects. Because of the dangers of cross-cultural misunderstanding, researchers should become knowledgeable in the cultural backgrounds of the speakers before interpreting and referencing these works in print or media publications. Also, researchers are strongly encouraged to consult the Principles and Standards of the Oral History Association. Formatting and Structure of ProjectsEach project contains a research essay that places the oral history in context, a bibliography, interview transcripts and recordings, release forms, and a collection of primary and secondary source material that supported the project. This digital collection includes the research essay, bibliography, transcripts, and oral history recordings, whenever they could be captured. Because these projects were created over a twenty year span by a variety of students, the projects do not have a consistent look and feel. The best way to experience a project is to read it in its entirety to get a sense of its overall organization. If you would like to view the physical project stored in the Library, please bring the project call number to the Circulation Desk. |