Welcome to the portal for digital resources about mountains and mountaineering in Special Collections at the University of Washington. The collections shown in these pages are physically housed in the Special Collections Division of the University of Washington Libraries. This project has made textual and visual resources about the history of Pacific Northwest mountaineering available online through the University of Washington Libraries Digital Collection. These digitized materials represent only a small part of the materials Special Collections has on mountaineering and related subjects. Researchers wishing to view collections that have not yet been digitized are encouraged to contact the Special Collections Division for further information and assistance.
Researchers are invited to explore this website and the related online resources to which links are provided. Use the topics below to begin to explore our Digital Collections, and discover more about the history of mountaineering in our region
The Mountaineers is an outdoor recreation organization of the Pacific Northwest, founded in 1906 in Seattle. The mission of the organization is "to enrich the community by helping people explore, conserve, learn about and enjoy the lands and waters of the Pacific Northwest". Mountains and wilderness lands have been a defining characteristic of the Pacific Northwest and an inspiration for the people who live here. more...
Headquartered in Seattle, The Mountaineers eventually created six other branches in Washington State. Original activities consisted of hiking, climbing, skiing, snowshoeing, stage productions by the Mountaineers Players and conservation efforts. more...
Mt. Rainier is an icon of the Pacific Northwest. Referred to as “The Mountain” by most locals, Mt. Rainier has attracted many people to its slopes and summit. In the early years it was also known as Mt. Tacoma or Mt. Takohma, the Native American name for this volcano. more...
Mountain Rescue Patrol (renamed Mountain Rescue Council in 1948) was established in 1939 in Seattle by a group of veteran climbers including Ome Daiber, Wolf Bauer, Dr. Otto Trott and others. The need was first realized in 1936 with the highly publicized death of Delmar Fadden on Mt. Rainier. Ome Daiber, a well-known climber and Mountaineers member, led the rescue effort.more...