This House
At the end of her interview, Elena Velasquez recited the words to a song her mother used to sing to her as a child every night before she went to sleep. In Juarez, Mexico, Elena' family had a home but when they moved to Forks they initially lived in a small travel trailer. Elena talkes about the importance of having a home for her 2 children and she continues her mother's tradition of singing the song to her children.
Esta Casa
Esta casa la tengo para mis hijos
Esta casa la tengo con amor
Para que duermen mis hijos con la luna
Para que jueguen mis hijos con el sol
Yo quisiera dejarles lo que yo no tuve
Yo quisiera mirarles poco a poco crecer
Y alcanzar una nube
Yo quiesiera el dios les ayudara
Y en un distinto man~ana que el dios les perdenaran
This House
I have this house for my children
I have this house with love
So that my children sleep with the moon
So that my children play with the sun
I would like to give them what I didn't have
I would like to see them grow up slowly
And reach for the stars
I want God to help them
In a distinct morning
God forgive them
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