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About the Workshops

Image courtesy White River Valley MuseumCrossing Organizational Boundaries pairs a large private museum (the Museum of History & Industry) and a large public university (the University of Washington) with many small historical organizations and community museums (members of the Association of King County Historical Organizations).

Crossing Organizational Boundaries is about both a product and a process. Beyond scanning, cataloging, and providing access to 12,000 historic images, the project seeks to transfer the knowledge and skills needed to replicate this product from the two larger organizations to the smaller organizations. It also seeks to create stronger ties among all of the organizations.

Image courtesy Renton Historical MuseumThe project staff, professional staff of the lead organizations, and members of the grant's advisory committee will provide technical assistance through a series of workshops. Partner organizations are required to send at least one representative to each workshop. Other individuals and organizations expressing an interest in the project are also welcome to attend, but they are not open to the general public.

These small museums and historical societies will learn about every step involved in digitization, including image selection; working with scanning companies; and creating metadata to national standards. Workshops will also address issues surrounding photo sales and licensing, including copyright protection and permission rights.

The training materials will be made available to the general public on this website after each workshop has been held, and will be maintained even after the grant project has ended.

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Image courtesy Black Heritage Society of Washington StateImage Selection Workshop

Half-day workshop held on April 18, 2002

Workshop agenda and materials

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Image courtesy Northwest Railway MuseumMetadata Workshop

Full-day workshop held on October 29, 2002

Workshop agenda and materials

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Image courtesy Puget Sound Maritime Historical SocietyDesign and Fulfillment Workshop

Half-day workshop held on April 15, 2003

Workshop agenda and materials

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