Online exhibits / Fannie Taylor / Journal / Page 6
March Friday 5, 1915 continued...
Mr. Elliott, road supervisor in Jefferson County, came in this p.m., accompanied by Frank Fisher and Howard Wheeler, after spending the day going over the trail between Hoh and Jefferson County line. The county engineer should have done this but has not yet. Now that the state has appropriated some money to be used in Western Jefferson, all trails are of interest and everyone is interested. The old Pacific Highway was surveyed 16 years ago, and is nearly all included in the Forest Reserve where it would be under Federal supervision if built. It crosses deep canyons and steep hills, while the proposed route along the beach would be scenic, with not over 5% grades and not any big bridges. Roads could be built down the river to it making a downhill haul and a good system of highways. Raining. March Sunday 7, 1915For the first time I was up to the top of Anderson's Hill. I took my big camera and four of us went over and took some pictures. It was sure warm. The day was fine for pictures and I got a good one, it took two exposures. Some day I am going up above Ford's and have a try at it; I understand you can see the ocean from there. We came down past Uncle John's place, the house has fallen down and it looks lonely. The last time I was there Mrs. Anderson and I packed chickens over because they were going after the raspberries. We used gunnysacks and went back and forth for three hours, but had a lot of fun. March Sunday 21, 1915We got all the girls and went back to Forks to take some pictures. Nell, George and myself walked from the cemetery to the old Ford place and then on up the hill [Fern Hill]. On a clear day you might be able to see the ocean from there but not today, as it was rather hazy. I think my pictures of the prairie itself were alright. I did not think there were as many fences on Forks as we had to go through on that place. Nell and I had a time with our narrow skirts. And it sure was hot, we near cooked getting back to the car. Clear. November Thursday 25,1915 The bridge across the cannery has a habit of standing on its side when it blows. On June 22, 1916 K.O. Erickson leased the hotel site formerly leased to the Taylors to J.E.L. James. The lease stipulated that "the party of the second part agrees to build or cause to have built on these premises one two story frame building, about 30 x 60 feet [and] 18 ft. walls as per plans and specifications to be mutually agreed upon between the parties hereto, the said building to be suitable for general store and hotel purposes [and] to be completed by the first day of August 1916.
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