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University of Washington Libraries

Dennis Brutus

born November 18, 1924, Harare, Zimbabwe

Dennis Brutus provided essential support in contacting the three other writers who appeared on campus in 1973. He visited the University during the spring of 1972 at the request of a visiting poet he greatly admired, Robert Lowell. In May 1973 events essential to the antiapartheid campaign suddenly required that he make only a brief appearance at the UW, leaving Kofi Awoonor, with whom he was to share the stage, to deliver all the presentations. However, Dennis Brutus became a frequent speaker during the 1970’s and 80’s for the Seattle area antiapartheid movement and related programs. A few items from that period are included.

The one hour audio excerpt in this collection includes statements of the conditions of living under apartheid, the complicity of individuals and corporations in perpetuating it, and acts of rebellion and oppression, including his own detention on Robben Island and work with the committee on Racism in Sport. He reads from his collections of poetry and that of Oswald Mbuyiseni Mtshali and Arthur Nortji.

Featured Poem

Letters to Martha: "Cold"

Recording of Dennis Brutus reading this poem.
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