Central Eurasian Information Resource (CEIR)
Oblast Searches
- Kamchatskaya
- Kostromskaya
- Nizhegorodskaya
- Novgorodskaya
- Orlovskaya
- Pskovskaya
- Rostovskaya
- Samarskaya
- Saratovskaya
- Vladimirskaya
- Volgogradskaya
- Voronezhskaya
Other Resources
Находясь в настоящее время в первоначальной стадии разработки, проект мультимедиального архива CEIR направлен на создание коллекции визуальных материалов, представляющих в широком охвате природу, быт, фольклор, искусство и архитектуру регионов Российской Федерации и бывших республик Советского Союза, которые до настоящего времени не получили достаточного освещения и изучения в американских учебных заведениях.
Still in its infancy, the CEIR Regional Image Database project aims to develop a broad and representative collection of images illustrating the geography, folkways, lifestyles and architecture of the vast regions (or oblasts) of the Russian Federation and other newly independent states of the former Soviet Union which, until now, have been relatively little visited or studied.
About the Database
Images from the CEIR database prototype presented here have been digitized from photographs originally produced by organizations and individuals, many of whom are from the Seattle and Puget Sound area. Still other images are being contributed through partnerships with libraries and other institutions throughout the Central Eurasian region. At a later date, this Regional Image Database will be integrated with other facets of the CEIR project, including interactive statistical maps, subject indexes, and full-text resources.
Development of the CEIR is guided by a consortium of Puget Sound educational institutions, including the UW, The Evergreen State College, and South Seattle Community College. Project funding through 2002 comes from a U.S. Department of Education grant for Technological Innovation and Cooperation in Foreign Information Access (TICFIA).
CEIR staff welcome new contributions of quality regional images. If you own a collection of good-quality, original regional images you would like to share, or wish to volunteer new images for the project, please contact us at slavinfo@u.washington.edu, or by phone at (206) 543-5588.
Images in the Central Eurasian Information Resource database are the property of their designated copyright holders, who have given the University of Washington Libraries and its partners in the CEIR projectThe Evergreen State College and South Seattle Community Collegepermission to make them viewable in digital format on the World Wide Web.
Images at this site may be downloaded in digital or analog format for use in academic projects and for unpublished academic research by students, staff, and faculty of the University of Washington, The Evergreen State College, and South Seattle Community College. Apart from viewing or linking to the CEIR web site, reproduction and use of these images by other parties is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of the copyright holders or holders. For more information contact slavinfo@u.washington.edu